by Erik Remmel | Oct 19, 2017 | Brand Hacking Series, Branding Strategy, Marketing Strategy
As we’ve said several times before, knowing your audience will make or break your marketing campaign. It is the way all your efforts regarding your marketing campaign will be tested. Be sure you don’t waste your time on the front end developing your...
by Erik Remmel | Oct 12, 2017 | Brand Hacking Series, Branding Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Welcome back to the Brand Hacking Blog Series! This marks the 5th blog in our series as we educate our students via the Brand Hacking Project. The project itself is built around 5 modules, not including a welcome and final assignment. Each month, we’ll blog...
by Erik Remmel | Sep 28, 2017 | Brand Hacking Series, Branding Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Welcome back to the Brand Hacking Blog Series! This marks the 3rd blog in our series as we educate our students via the Brand Hacking Project. The project itself is built around 5 modules, not including a welcome and final assignment. Each month, we’ll blog...
by Erik Remmel | Sep 21, 2017 | Brand Hacking Series, Branding Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Welcome back to the Brand Hacking Blog Series! This marks the 2nd blog in our series as we educate our students via the Brand Hacking Project. The project itself is built around 5 modules, not including a welcome and final assignment. Each month, we’ll blog...
by Erik Remmel | Sep 7, 2017 | Branding Strategy, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Maintain, maintain, maintain. We’ve used the same word six times now. If you’re sighing already, chances are you need to maintain your website. Now, that’s seven. Maybe it’s been a while or you’re putting it off because it’s not in your...
by Erik Remmel | Aug 3, 2017 | Branding Strategy, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Recently, the core Life Improvement Media team set up shop at a networking expo in the Tampa Bay area. Although it was a small event in terms of vendors, plenty of people swung by. Visitors off the street stopped in as did other avid networkers in the area. For the 4...
by Erik Remmel | Jul 27, 2017 | Branding Strategy, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Part three of our BRANDING AUDITED blog series revolves primarily around the development and understanding of your audience. Secondly, we will cover basic analytics to track. If you would like to circle back to the previous two parts of our series, click on the...
by Erik Remmel | Jul 20, 2017 | Branding Strategy, Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy
Last week, we discussed the first part of the brand audit. We went in depth into the branding essentials–every necessary element to establish one’s brand. Those eight elements are the foundation to a personal figure, a company, a brand, or any organization...
by Erik Remmel | Jun 22, 2017 | Business Strategy, Content Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Video Marketing, Website Marketing
Marketing technology can be rather intimidating for most business owners to actually adopt. New technology can be scary so this makes perfect sense. Especially, when you do not want to struggle with a tool that has a deep learning curve. With that being said, it means...
by Erik Remmel | Jun 15, 2017 | Business Strategy, Marketing Strategy, Social Media
EXTRA EXTRA! Facebook Is Keeping Tabs On The New Emojis. Facebook now wants to know your emotions. So … how are you feeling today? Whether there’s a crisis in another part of the World or President Trump’s latest Tweet, Facebook wants to know how it...
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